
Jackass Reviews: Logan

Jackass Reviews is a SPOILER FILLED Review of new films. On this episode BC is joined by Tha Mad Zak to talk the last outing of Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine, in the new film LOGAN.

Listen to this episode by clicking here, or right click and save to download and listen later!

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It Is What It Is, with The Jackass! Episode 76: And The Oscar Goes To, LOGAN

This week on It Is What It Is, The Jackass is getting ready for the Oscars! He makes his predictions on who he thinks is gonna win! Plus gives a quick spoiler free review of the new Wolverine film, LOGAN!

Listen to this episode by clicking here, or right click and save to download and listen later!

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The X-men franchise has been running strong since its first film helped resurrected the superhero genre back in 2000. When it was first announced that Hugh Jackman, a relative unknown, standing in well higher then then historic Wolverine at 6’2” audiences were rather annoyed. Fast forward 17 years, he is probably the most iconic superhero on film. When it was announced that Logan would be his final appearance, audiences’ had a new reason to be annoyed. We cannot see anyone play the face of the X-Men other than Hugh Jackman. However after 17 years, and 9 appearances, I think he has earned his retirement. Luckily, he has given us the Wolverine film we deserve to say goodbye too.

Logan once again stars Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine, and reunites him with Patrick Stewart as Professor X. It also stars Dafne Keen, Boyd Holbrook, and Stephen Merchant. James Mangold once again takes up the director’s seat, pulling together a script that he wrote along with Scott Frank.

The story takes place in the year 2029. Years after nearly all mutants have been wiped out.  All that we know is that Logan spends his time as a limo driver, while caring for an ailing Charles Xavier on the border of Texas and Mexico. When a woman brings a small girl to him looking for the mutant once called Wolverine, he tries to go on the run, only to find out that he is more connected to this child then he ever thought. Logan whose powers are beginning to fade must make sure this girl is safe from the forces that are hunting.

The film is incredible. This is not only the Wolverine film we have always wanted, but it is the Wolverine film we deserve. If this truly is the final time we ever get Jackman as The Wolverine, then Logan is also the perfect sendoff. It is gritty, and violent, and vicious. In the past the Wolverine solo films had always had their issues, whether it be sowing Deadpool’s mouth shut, or getting entirely too cartoony at the end. This go around the film stays true to its roots. It is grounded in reality as much as it can be, and never strays from that.

The cast is incredible. Holbrook might be my favorite X-Men villain next to Magneto. He is so slimy and perfect for the film and story they are building. He brings a perfect amount of shadiness, and evil to a great character that I don’t even know if he is a comic book character.  But he is perfect rival to be hunting down the last of the mutants against Wolverine. Patrick Stewart is amazing as always. Where they take the character of Charles Xavier in this film is unbelievable. Where Deadpool began the talk of more comic book films becoming more of a contender for the Academy Awards, Patrick Stewart is tipping that scale even more.

Dafne Keen is a relative newcomer, I don’t really know if she has been in anything else I haven’t seen her if she has. But man is she incredible in this role. The character is so deep and she is so good in the role, especially for having very few lines. But her delivery is so perfect. Where I say that Patrick Stewart deserves a little bit of Oscar talk all though it is incredibly early, I believe she does too.  This girl is going to be a star, and I feel that we could take this character with Keen in the role and really run with it. She is the perfect way to keep the “Wolverine” character going.

Make no mistake about it; Wolverine is an important character to the X-Men Role. If X-23 is going to continue the “Wolverine” role in future X Films, that would be the way to go. Recasting the role of Wolverine with someone other than Hugh Jackman is definitely a no go. Jackman has given us the definitive Wolverine, and this is the perfect sendoff if it truly is his last run. He is so incredible in the role, that I even believe he could be a contender for an award. That’s right, 3 actors and actress this early on in the year that I think deserve a look from the Academy. That’s how good this film is.

The film takes a lot of risks. Being Rated R, based on a character that is very crucial to the X-Men franchise could alienate a lot of the audience. However, it is done so well that I think it truly warranted the R Rating. It is not gore just for gore sake. It is not expendables. It is not an F-bomb because “oh well we got an r rating so let’s say it over and over”. No every bloody attack, ever F-Bomb is felt and needed for the narrative. It adds to the characters and story.

The only true negative I will give this film is there a small narrative choice made with X23 as the third act begins that I wasn’t too in and for a moment took me out of the film, but it was able to pull me back in fairly easy. Also I cannot get into it too much due to it almost being a spoiler territory, but there are two villains. One that over see’s Holbrook’s character portrayed by Richard E. Grant. And while Holbrook’s character is a little underutilized or developed, his portrayal saves the character, and then Richard E. Grant’s character does not really give us anything. But other than that the film truly has it all. It has laughs, emotions, excitement, and intense gritty action. There are even moments that bring tears to your eyes.

Over all Logan is an incredible film. With an amazing cast and an incredible story, Logan gives us an end to a near two decade saga that we have grown with and enjoyed. The story of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine will forever be remembered. And this will easily be remembered not only as one of the greatest X-Men films, but as one of the greatest superhero films.  I am giving it a score of 4.0

In an era where we have begun to expect more from our comic book films, Logan truly delivers. A deep story, with intense violent action. It is new ground that Fox is breaking with the rated R super hero genre. With Deadpool and now Logan, they are ushering in a new wave of superheroes that we are able to enjoy on more than a “so bad it’s good” level like we have dealt with before. So I am giving LOGAN a score of 4.0, with a bonus of a full .5 for Keen’s performance as X23, the bloody use of Wolverine we have always wanted, and best sendoff we could ask for for Hugh Jackman. That gives us a Jeebus score of 4.5. But what about you Jackass Nation. Are you excited for Hugh Jackman’s alleged final go as The Wolverine in Logan? What is you favorite memory of the character? Sound off in the comments below! And remember, It Is What It Is!

The Jeebus Score explained

The Jeebus score is out of a possible 5 points with a .5 bonus. Films are giving a max of 1 point each for Entertainment Value, Story/Writing, Performance, Direction, and Production. There is also a possible bonus up to .5. Any film between 2.5 and 4 is considered a good film. 4-5 is a great film. Anything over 5 is an incredibly amazing film. To get a perfect score of 5.5 a film will pretty much have to be The Empire Strikes Back or The Godfather.

It Is What It Is, with The Jackass! Episode 75: Guilty X-Holes in Life

This week on It Is What It Is with the Jackass, BC talks about the plot holes in X-Men films, as well as some of his favorite guilty pleasure movies! Also he gets in touch with life and tries to be deep again. All this plus the Box Office Predictions and more!

Listen to this episode by clicking here, or right click and save to download and listen later!

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Jackass Reviews: X-Men Apocalypse

On this episode of Jackass Reviews, The Jackass talks a spoiler filled review of the new X-Men film, X-Men Apocalypse.

Listen to this episode right here

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Check Out Dr. Hart and Athletic Edge Chiro. The Jersey Jackass is an Athletic Edge Athlete.

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Nerd Interference for May 28th

On this week’s episode of Nerd Interference, your athletic edge boys are recapping the finale of Dancing with the Stars! Did Paige win? We riot if she doesn’t! Plus, BC saw X-Men Apocalypse. What did the Jersey Jackass think about it? Darvish is back on the mound and the WWE is dividing its roster! Plus, we’re talking about the big Baylor scandal. Hang out with your boys and talk sports with us on Nerd Interference! Check out the show right here:

Or you can listen to the audio version right here!

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Metroplex Wrestling will return! Use the Hashtag #MPXWillRise to support the return of MPX! Like us on Facebook at MPX Wrestling

Check Out Dr. Hart and Athletic Edge Chiro. The Jersey Jackass is an Athletic Edge Athlete.

Follow BC on Twitter @RealJackassBC

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X-Men Apocalypse

I grew up on the 90s X-Men the Animated Series. Regarded as one the greatest cartoons ever made. Maybe that’s just my opinion, but screw it; I’m choosing to believe everyone agrees with me. I’ve gone back to watch it, still love it. When the first film came out I was in the 8th grade. I spent the entire day at the theater. I saw it 3 times that day. X2, I saw a total of 5 times in the theater. These movies helped shape my childhood as they have for so many others. Weather it is a metaphor for race, or sexual orientation, or in my case just feeling like an outsider. They helped give you hope. The X-Men have always given me hope. So when I began to hear preliminary reviews of Apocalypse, I was worried. Luckily, there was no need to be.

X-Men Apocalypse follows the resurrection of En Sabah Nur. The film stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, and Olivia Munn. It is once again directed by Bryan Singer (X-Men, X2, Days of Future Past). In the movie Apocalypse (Isaac) an ancient mutant has awaken in the 1980s. Ten years since the events in 70’s in Days of Future past. Magneto (Fassbender) is in hiding, and Xavier (McAvoy) is running his school. When this Ancient Mutant recruits 4 powerful mutants to join his cause, The X-Men must come together and stop him by any means.

First off this cast is awesome. There was some worry on my part that the new cast would not live up to the original cast. Especially with Sophie Turner who plays Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones as Jean Grey. Even in the trailers all I heard was Sansa, a character I hate, whining and crying like she does on the show. In film however Sansa was nowhere to be seen and Jean Grey near flawless! Tye Sheridan gives us the Cyclops we have all been waiting for. Not that James Marsden was not great, but this go around we finally get the character right! Olivia Munn while not having a lot to do was functional in the role and I look forward to seeing more of her. As well James McAvoy has dialed into this character so well, that he is synonymous with Professor X as much as Patrick Stewart is.

A few casting issues did bother me though. The most of being the casting of Kodi Smit-McPhee. While it’s not entirely his fault, the character just didn’t work for me. He had big shoes to fill, and I don’t think he, or almost anyone, would have been up for the task. Alan Cummings was so incredible in the role that it makes it hard to see anyone else. And this just did not work for me. As well J Law has got to go. While she is great in the role, and she does not phone it in like I had heard she did, she has become, in her own mind, too big for the role. Mystique is blue. The fact that J Law won’t portray her as so in more of the film really distracts you from it. But it’s not just her. Nicholas Hoult does the same thing. Too much Hoult, not enough Beast.

Another shining star however is Evan Peters again as Quicksilver. We get another epic Quicksilver “bullet time” scene, and they dialed it up a few notches this go around. He adds much needed comedic moments all throughout the film. It is great to see him taking a bigger role in the film. As well Fassbender is a shining star, as always. There is a scene in the woods early on with Magneto that is just incredible and so well acted.

Apocalypse himself is a little bit of positive, mixed with a little bit of negative. Oscar Isaac is great in the role. His look is incredible. This makes me learn not to trust a first look photo from Entertainment ever again. The only issue with his look is the size. He is not that large in stature and it hurts his menacing appearance. Even with a dark and brooding voice, his size kind of hurt the character. As well his motivations and reasoning’s sometimes get lost in the shuffle of the film. It’s not quite clear why all his Horsemen follow him, or why his plan to do what he is doing. As well his powers are a bit inconsistent. He has some incredible violent powers, which he chooses not to use as he fights the X-Men… Kind of hurt the psychology. But over all a well portrayed villain.

This paragraph might contain minor spoilers for the film if you have not seen all the trailers. So skip over it and go to the next one if you have not seen the film, and don’t wish to know these spoilers. You have been warned! As we see in the commercial Wolverine is in the film, and he is freaking awesome. If we even get 1/3 of the Wolverine we see here in Hugh Jackman’s final outing as the character it will be nothing short of epic. Of all we have seen, this is the greatest portrayal of Weapon X. Part of my bonus score goes to this scene, a matter a fact .4 of it does. The post credit scene has a lot to do with Wolverine as well, possibly hinting at the villains of his next film. I rate this post credit on a Marvel, Avengers, and Thanos like level of post credits. Remember when Thanos first showed up and half the population was like “Who is that?” That’s how I felt watching this, excited but confused! A perfect Post Credit scene!

Ok fear not, the spoilers are over. After you watch the movie feel free to come back and re read that, only minor spoilers. So all in all X-Men Apocalypse is a damn fun film. Not as great as First Class, X2, or Days of Future Past, but definitely in the top 5. One that I will be going back to see again soon. I gave it a score of 3.4 with a Jeebus bonus of .5 for a spoiler reason that won’t be said right here, and for the Quicksilver scene. A film you all need to go enjoy and have fun at. But what say you Jackass Nation? Have you seen it yet? What did you think? What is your favorite X-Men Film? Sound off in the comments below. And in the next few days be watching my podcast channel for a Jackass Reviews episode of X-Men Apocalypse that will be very spoiler heavy! But until next time, it is, what it is!

The Jeebus Score explained

The Jeebus score is out of a possible 5 points with a .5 bonus. Films are giving a max of 1 point each for Entertainment Value, Story/Writing, Performance, Direction, and Production. There is also a possible bonus up to .5. Any film between 2.5 and 4 is considered a good film. 4-5 is a great film. Anything over 5 is an incredibly amazing film. To get a perfect score of 5.5 a film will pretty much have to be The Empire Strikes Back or The Godfather.

It Is What It Is, with The Jackass! Episode 37: eXtreme rules fallout

This week on It is What It Is with the Jackass, BC is recapping WWE Extreme Rules as well as the fall out on Monday Night Raw. He touches on the brand split and the possible draft, as well as a look back at the X-Men Saga.

Click here to listen to this episode

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Metroplex Wrestling will return! Use the Hashtag #MPXWillRise to support the return of MPX! Like us on Facebook at MPX Wrestling

Check Out Dr. Hart and Athletic Edge Chiro. The Jersey Jackass is an Athletic Edge Athlete.

Follow BC on Twitter @RealJackassBC


What began in 1970 as a couple of guys sitting around talking about their comic books has now grown into a multimillion dollar convention. Where people from around the world all travel to San Diego California for 4 days to get the latest in movies, television, games, toys, and of Corse, comics. San Diego Comic Con has once again come and gone. I am beaten, I am broken, but I will give you my thoughts on everything major that came out the past 4 days. I’ve included links to the panels for anyone that wants to watch themselves, curtesy of Youtube.com/SchmoesKnow

Now the only panels I got to really go to personally was the Screen Junkies Honest Trailer/Movie Fights Panel. One of my main highlights of the entire Con. I had so much fun with it. They should be posting it up on their YouTube channel later this week. I also attended the panel Movies That Never Got Made which focused mostly on Jon Schnepp’s documentary The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? A film that I have been very excited for and I will be reviewing it as soon as I sit down and watch the entire Blu Ray. Including the 10 hours of bonus footage.

I spent my time for the most part wondering back and forth from outside Hall H to the Omni Hotel Lobby where there was free Wi-Fi. Between these points I came across all sorts of content. The Heroes Reborn Trailer, which looks interesting enough. I’ve never seen the original series, every time I tried to watch I never got through more than 3 episodes for one reason or another. But I definitely will give this a look. Blindspot the new NBC show starring Jaime Alexander looks to have a few episodes then be cancelled. I don’t see how it can really last long. It looks dull to me honestly. And for no reason in particular. It just feels like this is one of those shows that will sizzle out and be cancelled within the first episode, which is sad because I really like Jaime Alexander.

So Hall H began With The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part II. The panel was moderated by none other than Conan O’Brien. He did a great job being able to mix his comedy in with the cast and keep the panel rolling soothingly. These guys have such great chemistry together. On and off the screen. It is so fun to see them interact with each, and you truly feel the emotion and love they have for these films. They played a new trailer for the film which has yet to be released online. But from the sounds of it was action packed and showcased the true feel of the movie. Jennifer Laurence is an amazing person. She has the complete blend of intelligence, beauty, and class, all while being a complete ditz. She’s like a starburst, a complete contradiction. You hear her and think she’s ditzy until she turns the charm on and says something that completely blows your mind. She truly is the whole package, and true genuine person. You can catch the entire panel right here.

Fox truly brought the house down when they took the stage. They opened up with The Maze Runner followed by Victor Frankenstein. Where they each brought out the cast and spoke about the films, showing the new trailers for each. But honestly these were just the preshow for Fox. They then gave you Fantastic Four as an appetizer. But they finally brought the house down when Ryan Reynolds, not is costume oddly, came out on stage and introduced the raunchy, dirty, R rated panel for Dead pool! Which you can see here. As you see it was fun, it was amped up. The crowd was crazy hyped for it. I got a chance to see the footage they showed, and let me tell you, it was awesome. The bulk of it was the live action version of the leaked test footage from a year ago, with a lot of action set to DMX’s X Gone Give It to Ya. You’d think this was the main event, but they didn’t stop there.

Out came the cast of X-Men Apocalypse. Another amazing panel with amazing footage. After the footage Hugh Jackman all but confirmed that The Wolverine 3 would in fact be Old Man Logan. Which we can all agree, will be epic! Now the footage was very basic due to the fact they are so early in the production process. But we see Jean, and Jubilee, and quick sight of Cyclops. You get glimpses of Apocalypse all throughout it. But then, to close out the footage, Magneto stares at the screen and asks “Who the F*** are you?” and boom, we get it, Apocalypse in full garb. And he looks amazing. And if that wasn’t enough, they walk Channing Tatum, Gambit himself, to be included in their epic X-Men Selfie. This panel was so fun, and so exciting, and I cannot wait for the film! These panels were just so much fun, and the excitement they all show about the films makes me even more excited for them.

Next up we had the much anticipated Star Wars Panel. So much excitement, would we get the official announcement of Collin Trevorrow directing Episode IX? What about the Anthology films? Well we didn’t really get much of that all. Instead, we got Harrison Freaking Ford! That’s right ladies and gentlemen; Han Solo himself was in the house.  This was so awesome. Seeing the big 3 on stage at Comic Con is amazing. Plus added in the entire cast of Episode VII, get out bro! It was amazing! And I think bringing Harrison Ford out was there way to please the fans for not bringing any new footage or announcements. We got some behind the scenes footage, but nothing really new. But JJ brought out some of their practical effects creatures, and it was just incredible all the insight they brought with them. You can really tell this cast is passionate, and fans of the material. After the panel they took the fans outside and had an amazing Star Wars concert where every member of the audience was given a Light Saber!

WB/DC is going to be my vote for the Winner of Comic Con though. Starting with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and then going into PAN They hit the ground running. But the meat of the morning was Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Suicide Squad kicked it off with some incredible footage that can now be seen right here. Next up they brought out the entire cast of BvS for their Panel, and these guys are so into it makes me ready for it! For quite a while now Captain America: Civil War has been my most anticipated for 2016, this panel, and this trailer, are giving Marvel and Civil War a run for their money.

All and all Comic Con was freaking amazing guys. If I had to Jeebus Score it, I’d go 5.5 with the full bonus of .5 for EVERYTHING, giving San Diego Comic Con the first ever perfect 6.0 Jeebus Score! An amazing time, and I look forward to going to it again next year! Make sure to check out all the Comic Con coverage at Cinelinx.Com! And all always Jackass Nation, Keep on Nerding!

X-Men are back to the future!

The X-Men are back! This time they brought the whole gang. First Class, and the originals all in one film, together, as one unit. But more importantly, the King of the X-Men film is back! Bryan Sigler! In a summer filled with some pretty big blockbusters, including 3 other superhero films, X-Men Days of Future Past shines brightest thus far. In Singer’s triumphant return to this world, he brings along with him the veterans like Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, and Hugh Jackman, as they team up with youngins James McAvory, Michael Fassbender, and Jennifer Lawrence. Days of Future Past is a refreshing take on the X-Men and sets the universe up for an even brighter future.

The film starts out in the future, setting up a grim world that has taken place after all previous X-Men films. The world has flushed out all mutants, and all those help mutants. Leaving only a few to fight the good fight for humanity and mutant kind alike. A plan is set to send Wolverine back in time to stop a specific event that sets the world on a path toward destruction. In the past Wolverine must deal with a broken Charles Xavier, as well as Magneto and all that he represents.

There are many pluses to this film. Most notably the return of Singer. He brings the X-Men films full circle, and ties everything together. He clears up the majority of loose ends. In a film that has well over 20 characters the fear of overcrowding is very plausible. However Singer divides time so perfectly. Sure a few minor mutants get very little screen time, and that can be disappointing, but the over all feel of the film is so much fun you forget that certain characters aren’t around as much. Another fear was that this would just be another story in the Wolverine saga. Whereas Wolverine is a key character, and arguably the most iconic character of the entire franchise, the film is almost more of Charles Xavier and Mystique’s film. As well as a film about hope.

I had a few minor problems, most of which are very nitpicky and probably spoilerific, so that said I won’t really go into them much here. Most of which were truly the plot holes that were left untouched, one of which being HOW DID PROFESSOR X COME BACK TO LIFE AFTER THE LAST STAND! Sorry, that really bothers me. Only other negative I will say, is for the average movie fan, you might be confused by the post credit scene. Remember that feeling after the Avengers post credit scene, and you were like “huh? Who’s that?” You will feel that again. As a comic book superhero nerd, I nerded out.

Over all when I look at X-Men Days of Future Past, I gave the film a Jeebus score of 5.3 with a bonus of .4 for all the superhero nerd east eggs this film gave me! Which I will talk about in a spoiler filled review in a few days! Overall, that’s a Jeebus score of 5.7, Multiple viewings required!