Star Wars 7


What began in 1970 as a couple of guys sitting around talking about their comic books has now grown into a multimillion dollar convention. Where people from around the world all travel to San Diego California for 4 days to get the latest in movies, television, games, toys, and of Corse, comics. San Diego Comic Con has once again come and gone. I am beaten, I am broken, but I will give you my thoughts on everything major that came out the past 4 days. I’ve included links to the panels for anyone that wants to watch themselves, curtesy of

Now the only panels I got to really go to personally was the Screen Junkies Honest Trailer/Movie Fights Panel. One of my main highlights of the entire Con. I had so much fun with it. They should be posting it up on their YouTube channel later this week. I also attended the panel Movies That Never Got Made which focused mostly on Jon Schnepp’s documentary The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? A film that I have been very excited for and I will be reviewing it as soon as I sit down and watch the entire Blu Ray. Including the 10 hours of bonus footage.

I spent my time for the most part wondering back and forth from outside Hall H to the Omni Hotel Lobby where there was free Wi-Fi. Between these points I came across all sorts of content. The Heroes Reborn Trailer, which looks interesting enough. I’ve never seen the original series, every time I tried to watch I never got through more than 3 episodes for one reason or another. But I definitely will give this a look. Blindspot the new NBC show starring Jaime Alexander looks to have a few episodes then be cancelled. I don’t see how it can really last long. It looks dull to me honestly. And for no reason in particular. It just feels like this is one of those shows that will sizzle out and be cancelled within the first episode, which is sad because I really like Jaime Alexander.

So Hall H began With The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part II. The panel was moderated by none other than Conan O’Brien. He did a great job being able to mix his comedy in with the cast and keep the panel rolling soothingly. These guys have such great chemistry together. On and off the screen. It is so fun to see them interact with each, and you truly feel the emotion and love they have for these films. They played a new trailer for the film which has yet to be released online. But from the sounds of it was action packed and showcased the true feel of the movie. Jennifer Laurence is an amazing person. She has the complete blend of intelligence, beauty, and class, all while being a complete ditz. She’s like a starburst, a complete contradiction. You hear her and think she’s ditzy until she turns the charm on and says something that completely blows your mind. She truly is the whole package, and true genuine person. You can catch the entire panel right here.

Fox truly brought the house down when they took the stage. They opened up with The Maze Runner followed by Victor Frankenstein. Where they each brought out the cast and spoke about the films, showing the new trailers for each. But honestly these were just the preshow for Fox. They then gave you Fantastic Four as an appetizer. But they finally brought the house down when Ryan Reynolds, not is costume oddly, came out on stage and introduced the raunchy, dirty, R rated panel for Dead pool! Which you can see here. As you see it was fun, it was amped up. The crowd was crazy hyped for it. I got a chance to see the footage they showed, and let me tell you, it was awesome. The bulk of it was the live action version of the leaked test footage from a year ago, with a lot of action set to DMX’s X Gone Give It to Ya. You’d think this was the main event, but they didn’t stop there.

Out came the cast of X-Men Apocalypse. Another amazing panel with amazing footage. After the footage Hugh Jackman all but confirmed that The Wolverine 3 would in fact be Old Man Logan. Which we can all agree, will be epic! Now the footage was very basic due to the fact they are so early in the production process. But we see Jean, and Jubilee, and quick sight of Cyclops. You get glimpses of Apocalypse all throughout it. But then, to close out the footage, Magneto stares at the screen and asks “Who the F*** are you?” and boom, we get it, Apocalypse in full garb. And he looks amazing. And if that wasn’t enough, they walk Channing Tatum, Gambit himself, to be included in their epic X-Men Selfie. This panel was so fun, and so exciting, and I cannot wait for the film! These panels were just so much fun, and the excitement they all show about the films makes me even more excited for them.

Next up we had the much anticipated Star Wars Panel. So much excitement, would we get the official announcement of Collin Trevorrow directing Episode IX? What about the Anthology films? Well we didn’t really get much of that all. Instead, we got Harrison Freaking Ford! That’s right ladies and gentlemen; Han Solo himself was in the house.  This was so awesome. Seeing the big 3 on stage at Comic Con is amazing. Plus added in the entire cast of Episode VII, get out bro! It was amazing! And I think bringing Harrison Ford out was there way to please the fans for not bringing any new footage or announcements. We got some behind the scenes footage, but nothing really new. But JJ brought out some of their practical effects creatures, and it was just incredible all the insight they brought with them. You can really tell this cast is passionate, and fans of the material. After the panel they took the fans outside and had an amazing Star Wars concert where every member of the audience was given a Light Saber!

WB/DC is going to be my vote for the Winner of Comic Con though. Starting with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and then going into PAN They hit the ground running. But the meat of the morning was Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Suicide Squad kicked it off with some incredible footage that can now be seen right here. Next up they brought out the entire cast of BvS for their Panel, and these guys are so into it makes me ready for it! For quite a while now Captain America: Civil War has been my most anticipated for 2016, this panel, and this trailer, are giving Marvel and Civil War a run for their money.

All and all Comic Con was freaking amazing guys. If I had to Jeebus Score it, I’d go 5.5 with the full bonus of .5 for EVERYTHING, giving San Diego Comic Con the first ever perfect 6.0 Jeebus Score! An amazing time, and I look forward to going to it again next year! Make sure to check out all the Comic Con coverage at Cinelinx.Com! And all always Jackass Nation, Keep on Nerding!